Rationalize your supply
chain to mitigate risk
and promote diversity


Protection is paramount.

A comprehensive understanding of your supply chain is more critical now than it has ever been. Inherent in your supply chain are opportunities for optimization and threats of risk.

CFOs need to wield financial levers to enhance procurement
accountability and performance by

Curbing tail and maverick spend from off-contract suppliers to drive costs down

Rationalizing vendors for cost savings and process optimisation

Constantly scrutinizing areas of risk across Cyber, Sanctions, Modern Slavery, PTRS

Identifying areas for diversification of suppliers to encourage social responsibility, foster innovation and help build resilience

Preparing for an imminent increase in regulatory reporting in sustainability credentials by improving data quality and reporting rigor


Competitive advantage will be the reward for organizations that can exercise agility in response to the growing complexity of risk in this volatile market. The RobobAI platform gives instant visibility of multiple risk lenses over consolidated, categorized supply chain data.

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